Psych Lab Psychology Center

Effective psychotherapy in Long Beach, California

Phone (562) 684-1300


Oscar Sermeno, Associate Professional Clinical CounselorCall Oscar at (562) 684-2105, or email
Bixby Knolls, Long Beach

Oscar Sermeno, MA

Associate Professional Clinical Counselor
Supervised by David Godot, Psy.D.,
Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY27572)

"I'll help you learn to value yourself and your experience."


Start healing now:

  1. Request a free phone or email consultation (click here)
  2. Schedule an in-depth therapy evaluation to understand what's needed
  3. Meet with Oscar weekly to work on skills, growth, & healing

Oscar's Personal Statement

Three of the hardest words to say can substantially change your life: "I need help." You might have whispered these words to people in your life but not gotten the response you expected — or maybe you weren't sure how to communicate what you really needed in the first place. You want to be the best version of yourself but have prioritized your day-to-day routine over working on your personal traumas. You minimize your daily struggles and traumas by comparing yourself to others, although your experiences are still true and valid. You drown your traumas in distraction to avoid addressing how much space they are taking up in your daily thoughts. Eventually, ignoring your experiences is no longer an option as their impact becomes more prominent in your conscious and unconscious mind. You feel you are in a sea of people, but no one can see what you are going through. I see you and I want to help.

I have a Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles. I have experience providing trauma therapy to survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse, as well as working with adult clients in residential, drug/alcohol addiction, and severe chronic mental illness. Personal experiences play a role in my approach to treatment where the client is the architect of their lives and I play the role of aiding them to refine, redefine, adjust, and reevaluate areas of concern and explore areas overlooked that influence the stability and foundation of their life.

I provide a safe, judgment-free, empathetic, and open space to process your thoughts and emotions. Come as you are, and together we can work towards finding your true self. Empowerment, self-care, and personal growth are my goals for all my clients and I look forward to working with you to reach your own personal goals.